St. Anthony of Egypt once prophesied “A time is coming when people will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will mock him saying ‘He has gone mad, he is not like us.’” It seems safe to say that we are in such a time now, where ideas and moral values that were once held to be certain and common sense are now considered to be archaic and crazy.
Christ’s own relatives say of him “He has gone mad!” How absolutely ridiculous that they say the source of all Truth and the Author of Life has gone mad, simply because He does not think like them! It is to be expected, then, that those of us who proclaim what Christ proclaimed, and live what Christ commanded, will experience the same rejection and mockery from the world. I would even go so far as to say that if we experience no opposition from the world in what we say or do and how we live our life, then we are not living the Gospel fully.
May we all be given the courage and fortitude to live the Gospel in all its fullness, no matter what people say and no matter the cost is to us.