Dear Friends,
This weekend we celebrate First Holy Communion for our little ones. While the Mass will be at 2pm, it’s good for all of us to be reminded of how important this day is, and we should recall our original devotion from the first time we received. Below are some beautiful quotes from St John Vianney:
“All the good works in the world are not equal to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass because they are the works of men; but the Mass is the work of God. Martyrdom is nothing in comparison for it is but the sacrifice of man to God; but the Mass is the sacrifice of God for man."
"Every Consecrated Host is made to burn Itself up with love in a human heart,"
Of adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament St. John Vianney has written:
"When we speak to Jesus with simplicity and with all our heart, He does like a mother who holds her child's head with her hands and covers it with kisses and caresses."
"When you awake in the night, transport yourself quickly in spirit before the Tabernacle, saying: 'Behold, my God, I come to adore You, to praise, thank, and love you, and to keep you company with all the Angels,' "
"The many wonders of creation can only fill us with astonishment and admiration. But when we speak of the most holy Eucharist we can say that here is to be found the miracle of divine love for us.... Has there been, or will there ever be, a nobler or more magnanimous love than that which He has shown us in the sacrament of love?"
- St John Vianney